Guide to Apply for Cabin Crew Job

How to apply for a cabin crew job? If I have experience and a good personality, will I stand a chance?

The internet has so many infomations it can be confusing sometimes. However, the basic minimum requirements have to be fulfilled, nonetheless.


Meeting minimum requirements

First, you must meet the minimum education qualification and English level of the particular airline. Second, there are minimum height and arm reach requirement. Your weight should be in proportion to your height as well. This is your Body Mass Index (BMI).

Generally speaking, you do not need to attend a cabin crew academy or flight attendant school to qualify for a cabin crew job in Malaysia. Training school can develop your confidence and ability to present yourself better at any interviews, nonetheless.

However,  if you’re applying for some airlines in certain European countries, they do require that you have an aviation certificate before you can apply. So, please ask about the cabin crew required certificates that are applicable in your country.


Build your CV (Resume) and take your best photo

General rule of thumb is to keep your CV to 2 pages. 3 pages are too long. The idea is to keep it professional, clear and consise.

It should be able to tell your reader instantly, who and what are you at the top of your first page. You can achieve this with a summary of 3-4 lines on who and what you are.

Captivate your reader to read further. Bear in mind, interviewers are humans, who received hundreds if not thousands of application each time.

Invest a little on a professional photograph of yourself (not simply ask your friend to take the photo). Buy a formal attire for the photography.

Generally you will need a full body and a headshot photo.


Learn about the airline, know the job description and hiring process

Follow the airline career page (official page) and constantly be updated with their news. Get to know some existing cabin crews of the particular airline to get some idea.

Understand your role as a cabin crew, and why the minimum height and reach requirements are necessary.

What do you do on an Open Interview day?

What kind of assessment typically the airline conducts?

How many stages of interviews and assessments are there?

Prepare yourself. You may even invest in some ebooks.



Apply online, and if you do not receive call for interview, look out for open walk-in interview.

Most cabin crews who made it, will tell you that they have applied again, and again. Some are naturally good at interviews and pass after several attempts. But, some will need more practice. Keep trying, and learning.

Also, be prepared to travel outstation or overseas for interview. Sometimes, you just have to take the leap of faith to achieve your dreams.

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