Creating a good impression during interview is an important first step. It is more so important to look good if the interview process has to be done over a digital call like Zoom call. So how to look good on a Zoom call?

Pay attention to your background
Clear your personal clothes, piles of laundry, garbage, exercise equipment, from your background.
Do not want the hassle? Just use a virtual background. Zoom provides that!
If you want to shop for more choices of background, can try HelloBackgrounds templates which supports Zoom, Microsoft Team and Skype.
Do not disturb
Put up a “Do not Disturb” sign on your door if you stay with family or friends. Tell them what that means, and why it is important to respect your privacy when they see the sign.
It can be difficult to explain to your children if you are mums or dads, but it goes a long way to invest the time. You would want to avoid alot of awkward moments. :-D
Good Posture
You want to sit with your shoulders back, sitting up. Have a good facial expression and engaging.
Avoid sitting like you would on a couch or sofa, looking lazy. It displays tiredness and low energy which is not nice.
What to Wear
It is not so important what you wear in the inside, but do grab a blazzer to put over your inner clothes. Remember the purpose of your call. If it’s for an interview, appear professional.
Even if it’s not for interview, it’s still important to dress up your outer appearance. Remember, it’s ok whatever you wear on the inside, and to remove your blazzer momentarily if needed, because you will turn off your camera if you need a moment away from visual broadcast.
Wear Jewellery
You would want to wear something that is impactful, but not distracting. At least 1 jewelry would help make you appear that you put in an effort.
You do not want to to appear overly doing it. A pair of simple earings or necklace is nice, but nothing dangling.
Do your Hair!

Don’t show up after your workout, or shower, or worst straight right up from your bed. Again, put the effort to put on make up and tidy your hair. Even if you do not get to go to the salon (example during lockdown), there are simple hair care from home that one should cultivate as habit.
Look good with great lighting
Dont need fancy lighting. Just turn on your normal lights and test it out on camera. If that’s a challenge, move your table to be near a window or natural light.
Just don’t appear as example below.

Technical Tips to Look Good on Zoom Calls
Use Video Settings from the virtual call platforms that can benefit you. Few quick ones on Zoom would be to use Full HD (ensure good internet connection) and Touch up my apperance. It will help you look more touched up than you really are, so that’s a baseline that you should have!